TOMMY LEE On JOHN TRAVOLTA: 'He's Probably The Sweetest Man I Think I've Ever Met, Honestly'

October 24, 2020

Tommy Lee has called his friend John Travolta "the sweetest man" he has ever met.

The 58-year-old MÖTLEY CRÜE drummer discussed his friendship with the 66-year-old actor in a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight.

Speaking about how Travolta is coping with the devastating loss of his wife Kelly Preston to breast cancer earlier this year, Lee said: "I just talked to him; he's back in town here. He's doing really well. He has a great team of people around him, his kids are doing wonderful. He's doing everything to make them comfortable, and I think, just personally knowing that it's been happening or coming up, I'm sure it doesn't ease the pain at all of… having something slowly come that you can kind of start to prepare for.

"He's in good spirits. What a lovely man," he added. "He's probably the sweetest man I think I've ever met, honestly."

Last month, Lee spent time with Travolta and John's 20-year-old daughter Ella to celebrate Tommy's wife Brittany Furlan's 34th birthday. The group also included Lee's son Brandon and Furlan's friends, Mikaela Hoover and Daniella Beckerman.

"Lovely lunch today with the Lee's," Travolta captioned the photo. "Happy birthday @brittanyfurlan!"

Travolta's wife of nearly 29 years, Preston died in July following a two-year battle with breast cancer. She was 57 years old.

Lee's latest solo album, "Andro", came out earlier this month.

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